Sunday, December 5, 2010

Party Time!

I was really looking forward to my company Christmas party this year. After 3 years my best friend David was going to go with me so I'd have someone to slow dance with if I wanted to.  There was a chance to win awesome door prizes like an Xbox 236, a Kinect, and the grand prize of an IPad!  I had a great outfit; and I personally had scored one of the hottest djs in the area (shout out to Andy Pratt!).  But then on Friday night I got a text from David: he was sick and couldn't come.

I could have done what I normally would do: which is be upset and let it ruin my mood and the party for me.  But this time I tried a new attitude: so what if I didn't get a slow dance?  It was my company party, Brie was going with me and I'd be at a table full of my friends.  I had a fabulous outfit, the location was awesome (shout out to the Gideon!), the food would be delicious and I'd party like it was 1999!

So that's exactly what I did!  With my new attitude I even changed up my eye make up and lipstick, my hairdresser had done a great job on my hair (shout out to Annette!), I was wearing sequins and glitter :o) and silver high heeled sandals.  And it was the best company party we'd had in years!

So what if I didn't slow dance?  So what if I didn't win a door prize?  I don't remember laughing that much or dancing that much in a long time. The photo that they take at the party:  I loved it!  Both Brie and I looked beautiful.   And they even had chocolate mousse in edible dark chocolate cups for dessert!  What could have been better than that??  Plus:  even though I didn't get to sleep until after 2 a.m., I still got up for church this morning.  Praise the Lord!

So David: I'm sorry you were sick.  But I had such a great time this year: you're not going to be invited next year!  I can do fine all by myself :-)


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