Monday, October 16, 2023

I'll Pass on the Pecan Pie

 This is a quick one, and it's about another odd occurrence.

Thursday, October 12th, I got to work late because my little Vivian was sick. She's fine now and as entitled as ever, thank goodness!

Anyway, I got to work at 12:30 and went to check my email, as usual. I checked my work email and took care of a couple of things. Then I went to take a quick look at my own email. I saw that I had an email from Tate's Bake Shop of Southampton. Yum! What delicious cookies or loaf cakes did they have? The subject line read "Pecan Paradise Returns!" I love pecans so I quickly clicked on it.

Imagine my utter shock when I opened it and this is what I saw:

My mother has NEVER used a computer. She had no email address, and the only person in the family who ever ordered from Tate's was me. So what the heck...? If you look in the upper right hand corner, you see the date is October 12th and says it was four days ago as today is October 16th. So again: WTH? 

And just for the record: although I don't believe I've ever even tried pecan pie, I'm sure it would be too sweet for me to enjoy. But Marie liked it!

So there she is: still messing with me. I wish I could have seen my own face when I saw the greeting on that email! But I guess that's her way of letting me know she may be out of sight: but she doesn't let herself be out of mind!

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Not Quite Gone...?

 Usually when someone in my family passes, they turn up in a "dream" or "visit" to me. Apparently that tradition is still holding!

Early Saturday morning, I had this dream. I was in my bedroom and there was not only Marie, but she brought Robin with her! I saw Robin's face and she was laughing. I didn't see Marie's face, just the back of her head, but I recognized her voice and hair. So she's saying, "I think I want to take a nap." I said, "Not in my bed!" She said, "Why not?" and I replied, "because you like to cuddle!" At this point she laughed and laughed, and then got in my bed! Robin was laughing and I said, "I'm not getting in there with you!" Then they were both gone and I woke up. Crazy!

Thankfully, the girls went to the gym so I had the house to myself. I cuddled on the couch with the 2 puppy-heads to catch up on the Young and the Restless (don't judge me). It had just gotten to the part where everyone was gathered for Jack and Diane's wedding reception, when all of a sudden I heard this loud CRASH that scared me and the puppies. I jumped and looked around. There, on the floor, was the picture of my parents! It had fallen off of the wall with no provocation. Gingerly, I approached the picture. The glass wasn't broken and the command hook was still securely on the wall. I set the picture up on the floor and decided maybe it wasn't such a good idea having it on the wall! I'd have Kitty hang it up in her room. Seriously!

When the girls got home and Brie discovered I hadn't eaten yet, she offered to take me to the Peppermill for a quick bite. I needed something comforting, like their hot turkey sandwich. We sat in a booth with my back to the parking lot, and kibitzed with Kelly the waitress. All of a sudden I was attacked from behind! A plastic plant, that had been sitting on the windowsill minding its own business, decided to fall into my hair! Or maybe someone ghostly had pushed it into my hair. Regardless, Kelly was trying to disentangle the flowers from my hair, which was quite an undertaking. Brie was laughing and Kelly was giggling and asking what happened. I said, "You saw it! The plant attacked me!" There was nothing indicating any sonic booms, earthquakes, doors slamming to make that plant fall. It was Marie!

Apparently she wants me to know she's still hanging around, making her presence known. There's no need for her to play tricks on me. I think she wants me to know that she is still around, keeping an eye on me. Which is fine. But no need to throw plants at me!

Kitty ended up hanging the picture back up that day, and it has been peacefully staying in place. Thank goodness!