Tuesday, January 26, 2021

What's In a Name?


I was working today and listening to my Victrola, which is what my girls call the music on my phone. The song “By the Time I Get To Phoenix” by Glen Campbell came on. This song reminded me of “Wichita Lineman”, another favorite that they used to play at the ice skating rink back in the roaring ‘20s when I was a kid. And that song reminded me of a childhood nickname my brother Keith gave me as a child: Piggy Fleming.

He thought he was so clever. He gave me this nickname because I was a terrible ice skater, so not worthy of the name Peggy Fleming. I remember in Junior High he gave me the moniker “Wilt Chamberchick” due to my questionable basketball skills at that time. Hater.

But Carl, my oldest brother, and Keith did have weird nicknames given to them by one of our neighbors. Her name was Kimberly and she was their age. Every time she came over she wanted to play this weird game called “Uncle Jeff and Uncle Stony”.  It always seemed to involve them sitting in the swing set in the ride that sat four people and them "traveling" somewhere. Yet I was never allowed to be the 4th passenger. Carl’s middle name was Jeffrey so that nickname made sense. But why was Keith Uncle Stony?? Apparently for some reason my elementary school mind couldn’t comprehend. And I don’t want to comprehend it now either!

Somewhere around high school Keith acquired the nickname “Slick” and later it was “Uncle Slicky”. I wasn’t in with the in crowd so I don’t know where that came from, but I have a few ideas. I never called him that. My nickname for him was spawn of satan, but only in my head. I knew better than to say that out loud!

My sister’s nickname from my father was Rabbit. No idea why either: especially when he always told me that I ate like a rabbit. Keith gave the youngest his nickname. Clarence Jr. became Clancy, a good old fashioned Irish name. J Robin was Robespierre; and Keith also gave my parents their nicknames: Daddy Clank and Riri.

My actual family nickname came from my father. His name at work was Debbie, so I was dubbed “Little Debbie” and then just Debbie. But that’s only for family to use! And I actually prefer the nickname I was given in college: Brick House. The guys in the Radio Broadcasting program dubbed me that and I wasn’t mad about it!

Isn’t it amazing what goes through your mind just from hearing a song?? Or maybe it’s just my mind. Regardless: feel free to let me know what your nickname is, or was!

Friday, January 22, 2021

Rated R For Language

 This is going to be a quick one as I'm shooting from the hip, which is something I don't normally do.. And it may be the last one for some of you if you decide you no longer wish to read my posts. Trust me: I'm okay with that. But there is something I need to get off of my chest.

Why is it that so many people think that women, especially black women, can't get ahead unless they sleep their way to the top? I have "heard" people say that the only reason Kamala Harris is where she is today, is because she sucked or fucked Biden and who knows who else along the way. Some people don't want to give her credit for her education, hard work, dedication or perseverance.  Certain people don't think she deserves anything  except something subservient. Why is that? Why can't we use our brains to achieve our goals? Is that something just reserved for white women?

I can understand if you're jealous because she has broken so many glass ceilings. But that's on YOU. If you set your sights on being in politics: then it was up to  you to go to school and study and work your way up. If that wasn't your goal: then don't be a racist, jealous hater  who wants to diminish someone else's accomplishments. Can the woman have a few minutes to be proud of where she is now?

I remember several years ago, I was invited to attend a gala / fundraiser. I was so excited to go! One day at work I was talking to a couple of friends about it and one looked at me and said, "How did you get invited to something like that?" Instead of saying what I wanted to say, I responded, "Sometimes it's just who you know." Apparently she didn't think I was good enough to go to such an event with local celebrities. But bitch: I was! She had a sense of entitlement that didn't work out for her. And she was mad that I had such an opportunity. What she needed to understand is that a person makes their own opportunities. I've done a lot of things and been a lot of places because I worked for it. Not because I did sexual favors. Seriously.

I'm not jealous of Kamala for reaching one of her goals because I never aspired to be in politics. But I can surely celebrate with her! I'm just as sure that if she knew me: she'd be happy that I reached my goals of being a blogger and a published author. So if you want to be a hater and hate because of race: then maybe you'd better go back to school, educate yourself on a lot of  things besides politics, and speak to God about the hate in your black heart. And the way you think about Kamala makes me think that you might harbor some of that about me, your supposed friend. Food for thought.

And by the way: there are plenty of women out there that have no qualms about using sex to get ahead, no pun intended. Don't confuse them with the ones that stay on the right and narrow path. 

'Nuff said.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

When I Hear Music

 My sister was truly a lover of all kinds of music. I am too, but there was some I would have missed if not for her. She and Clancy had collections of CDs and vinyl. Lucky them!

But Robin and I went to concerts together and such, so I didn't feel too left out. And if I happened to be listening to a classic rock station and an unfamiliar song would come on: i knew I could call her and she could give me the details about it.

That's a big part of what I miss about her. A couple of years ago I was in the car and the song Home By the Sea came on. Was it Phil Collins or Genesis? How had I never heard it before? And the first thought I had was, "I wonder if Robin knows this song?" Then I was sad because I couldn't call her to find out.

This happened most recently maybe four days ago. The local classic rock station was playing a John Mellencamp song I had never heard before and it was awesome! Robin and I loved John Mellencamp so I had no idea how we could have missed this one. The deejay mentioned something about 2006 so maybe it had come out then. Regardless, I had to download this song and play it continually.

This morning I was working from home and decided I wanted to see if there was a video of this song i could watch. I had to scroll through a little bit but then found a live performance on the David Letterman Show from 1993! I couldnt believe it was that old. Here's how he was introduced: "My next guest is from Indiana, just like me. He was going to do a fantastic song from his upcoming album Human Wheels but it was too long. So he's going to do another song that is just as fantastic! From his upcoming album Human Wheels." Or something to that effect. You can YouTube it.

Anyhow, the name of the song is What If I Came Knocking and it is killer. As I watched the performance it reminded me of one of the things on my and Robin's bucket list. We had plans to be on stage dancing with John Mellencamp! I'm not exactly sure how we were going to accomplish this but I'm a woman who makes things happen! I always got great seats for concerts. I got suite tickets for Eminem & Rihanna and the Derek Jeter Legacy game. I got free limo rides and free hockey tickets, just to name a few things. But I never got around to dancing with John Mellencamp back in the day. Now I'm sure neither one of us could do much dancing without creaks and groans and Tylenol! So that moves to the bottom of the bucket list.

So do yourself a favor and check out that song. You won't regret it. And if by some stretch any of you know Mr. Mellencamp: tell him to get in touch with me! 😉