Monday, November 22, 2010

Part I

My sister took me to see Harry Potter: the Deathly Hallows Part I.  This was the first Potter movie I've seen at the theatre.  I haven't read any of the books, and I didn't see the other movies in order.  So granted: there were some parts where I was lost, but for the most part I knew what was going on.  What did I think:  let's just say that I can't wait for Part II in July...

As I was watching the movie (don't worry: no spoilers here) I realized that Voldemort looks like Randy Orton.  He's a WWE wrestler and I only brought it up because wrestling is on right now and I'm kind of watching it as I type.  I am also noticing that when they announce the wrestlers, there are some that weigh less than I do.  What kind of crap is that?  Hmm, I think that maybe they are just little men.  I'm sure it has nothing to do with me being a giant, as my oldest daughter says.  She's so annoying.  According to her, I'm 6 feet tall. Perhaps I seem that way because she's only 5'5". 

I was going to type one of my poems about her for you tonight, but I don't have it memorized and it's downstairs.  I am too tired to go downstairs to get it; so you'll have to wait until tomorrow.  But you have learned a few things about me: most notably, that I am tall.  ;-)


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