Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Monday With a Vengeance

 Yesterday was Monday; and in case I forgot: it reminded me in spades.

Monday actually started on Sunday night. We thought Lilly was in heat, due to some...what we thought was visual evidence. But that night I noticed that the "visual evdence" had gotten bigger and was protruding even more from her backside. My medical training (imaginary) kicked in and I decided that no: this was not a sign of being in heat. So I was going to take her to the vet the next day.

Monday morning rolls around and I called the vet as soon as they opened and told them the issue. They said to drop her off on my way to my MRI. I did.

That brings me to the MRI. Shockingly, I was in their parking lot with a few minutes to spare, even after dropping off Lilly and answering their myriad of questions. So while sitting in the parking lot, I looked at my phone. I had voicemails, which was strange because my phone hadn't even rung. I listened: bill reminder, bill reminder, Spectrum, and then one from the owner of the house I rent. It was over 2 minutes long...and contained some interesting information about our moving out. We are moving out because she sold the house to the business next door. But I digress...

I saved her voicemail to respond to later, and went in. Of course, my doctor's office hadn't faxed over the slip for my MRI. So I had to answer questions and wait until the receptionist called my doctor and told them they couldn't do it until they faxed the paperwork. Luckily, someone was on the ball (not always the case!) and did that right away. Then the tech came for me so I could find out what they could do for the cyst and pain in my wrist and thumb.

I figured it would be a breeze, because this facility had a machine where I'd only have to put my arm in. Yay! So she made me comfy in the chair, had me put my arm in and I figured I would have time for a quick nap. Wrong! She then packed my arm and hand in so it wouldn't move, taped down my fingers, and then spent over 30 minutes zapping my wrist and hand. Trust me: there was no nap but after awhile there was pain. Crap!

When it was finally over, she unpacked me, untaped me and said my doctor would have the results within 24 hours. But surprisingly: my doctor had the results within 4 hours and said there was major inflammation (maybe caused by the cyst pressing on the nerve?) and they were setting me up to have a steroid shot in my wrist while having an ultrasound so they got the shot exactly where it needed to be. Say what??? Hi Monday!

But prior to that, I called the vet before I left the parking lot to check on poor Lilly. Yeah...the protrusion had nothing to do with being in heat. My Lilly had a tumor so big it had come outside of her lady parts. WTH??? They wanted me to pick her up and would discuss options with me. 😭Just another manic Monday!

This put me over the edge a bit so I decided since I was in Saratoga, I would stop at my favorite candy store and buy all the chocolate I could possibly stand, and eat it. I went, and the owner (love you Gene!) wasn't there but his daughter was. As I was picking out my candy we were talking and she got to hear all of my venting about what was going on with me, and my fear for poor Lilly. I mean thank goodness there wasn't anyone else in the shop! But God knew I needed to unload to someone, and she was the perfect person at the time. She even gave me a bit of advice on something, then loaded me up with dark chocolate malted milk balls, dark chocolate almond bark and a big dark chocolate covered marshmallow (for my hot chocolate later). I apologized for talking her ears off but she said she was glad she was there to listen; and glad I felt better. So Monday was looking up...

Until I got to the vet. No good news there at all. Of course she needs surgery to the tune of $2,000, sooner rather than later. She isn't in pain, which is good. But not good that it's so large it came outside. No clue if it's cancerous yet. No idea until they go in if there are more. No infection (thank God!) but she will also get spayed as long as she's already under. They gave me an itemized list of what needed to be done and how much each item would cost. Of course she would need a couple of pre-op procedures too. 😮 They had a cancellation and tentatively scheduled her for March 28th, as it needs to be done sooner rather than later. They told me to think about it for a couple of days, as they also know that I will be moving and $2,000 is a lot of money (for someone like me, anyway).  Then they brought me my Lilly, who was so glad to see me and climbed right up so she could put her face in my hair. She's been doing that since the first time I saw her at 5 months old and adopted her on the spot. My Lilly...Sorry about your Monday too!

I took her home and turned her over to Vivian, who didn't care that her sister was having a Monday. She just wanted treats! She is a tiny hater, seriously. And by now it was after 12:30, I hadn't eaten and didn't really want to. But I had an appointment with my endocrinologist at 3:30, so needed something other than the bag of chocolate I had bought. Around 2, I finally made some scrambled eggs and cheese, accidentally putting heavy cream in them instead of half and half. But they were the best cheese eggs ever!

Thankfully my endo didn't yell at me too much. She reminded me to stop making decisions about my medication on my own, regardless of how well I know my body. She wants me to call her before making any of those decisions. I've lost another 3 pounds which is good, but my A1C went up slightly because I'm making decisions about my medication without consulting her! Yeah, yeah: I've learned my lesson. So now I have to see her again in 3 months instead of 6. Hello Monday, my old friend!

So there you have it: my terrible Monday. But you know what the one consolation is? I didn't eat any of the chocolate I bought. I will at some point, in moderation, but I was strong enough to not need it while all of the chaos and anarchy was going on. I'm going to count that as a win.

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