Monday, May 28, 2012

Dating Ain't Easy!

It isn’t easy dating here in the North Country: especially when according to statistics, I have a better chance of being hijacked by terrorists than getting married. Yet still my friends and I persist in playing the dating game, or romance Russian roulette as we’re more fond of calling it.

Since it seems like most of the men we come across are looking for arm candy, video vamps, one night stands or sugar mommies, sometimes you have to explore other options. Perhaps there is a situation that at first glance seems ordinary. With a little imaginative tweaking, said situation could be turned into an opportunity. Let’s take this a little further:

Usually when you go on a date you go to dinner, or a movie, bowling or for drinks. More times than not, there’s no one on the horizon to enjoy these activities with you and you’ve hit a dry spell. What’s a girl to do? You make the best of a situation that, even though it doesn’t look like a conventional night out, can keep you in practice until your next Mr. Right (or Mr. Right Now!) comes along.

Let’s say you have to go to the grocery store because the only thing in your fridge is a box of baking soda and the light bulb. So you take off your sweats, put on a pair of jeans and a little lipstick and drive to the store. Once there you get your basket or cart and scope out the area: not only getting your items but seeing what potential single men might be shopping. Yes, this might seem a little lame, but if you time it right you can get to the store while they’re offering free samples to taste and it will seem like a cocktail party! Time your arrival at the tasting station to coincide with the cute guy you’ve been discreetly following so you can discuss what you’re eating. Hey, they only give you bite-sized samples anyway: like appetizers, so it’s not that much of a stretch. And who knows? Maybe you can work into your little conversation an actual place you know that has better food, and can finagle a dinner invitation!

Or here’s one for the slightly “saucier” woman, and you don’t need too much imagination for this one. Every woman has her “yearly” that she really looks forward to, ha ha. I don’t know about other ob/g’s, but mine has an actual cloth smock (not paper) for you to get dressed in and a piece of candy that you can munch on while he does what he needs to do. If you look at this the right way, it’s exactly like an expensive date. The guy gives you a new outfit, gives you chocolate, then you let him get to third base!

I don’t know about you, but it certainly sounds like a date to me! I mean, like dates I’ve read about…mom, you’re not reading this, are you?

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