Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Blues

Now that Christmas is over, I have to admit to a little bit of melancholy.  Our tree was up right after Thanksgiving, but it feels like I haven't had enough time to enjoy it.  Christmas songs started playing on the radio several weeks ago, but it seems like they're over too quickly.  People have already tossed out their trees and stopped turning on their outdoor decorations.  It just makes me sad.

Plus I'm currently on vacation and had all kinds of plans, but I haven't done any of them yet.  I was going to the matinee, out to lunch, was going to re-arrange my room, catch up with a couple of old friends, finish my new book: but none of that has come to fruition either. 

Maybe it's because it's been such a long and tough year that I don't have the energy.  I haven't had a vacation all year except for a couple of days here and there.  Work was really stressful this year, but it's ended up being surprisingly good.  So maybe instead of feeling melancholy about the season being pretty much over: I should feel anticipation for what lies ahead.  I'm actually starting in a new department when I get back in the office.  New job, new duties: should be pretty interesting.  And I'll be so busy, I won't have time to dwell on how I miss Christmas...

Besides, it'll come back around next year.  And as Kitty would say: only 362 days left!

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