Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Behind the Music: Fast Car

 I had to give this over to Brie today. Enjoy her "guest" blog; and I haven't changed a thing. Let me know if you agree that she needs her own podcast!!


I can’t think of a time in my life where I didn’t love music. And when I say love I mean LOVE music. I literally listen to everything, and I am sure that is due to my mother who was a radio DJ back in the day. She raised my sister and I on everything from oldies to disco, while my aunt (may her soul rest in peace) and uncle taught me and my sister how to head bang to heavy metal music and the infamous hairbands (probably why One by Metallica is by far one of my “happy songs”, but I digress).

Well one of my favorite childhood songs was “Fast Car” by Tracy Chapman. Now mind you the way she would mumble sing (mind you I had little kid ears) kind of made it hard to understand but I got the gist of the song and sang it till my little heart was content. Fast forward a few years... or more (insert eye roll)

Luke Combs, one of my FAVORITE country singers redid the song “Fast Car” and I was so excited and fell in love with how it sounded. His sexy country twang just made the song sound so melodically beautiful and I could understand every single word of the song... boy do I wish I never had heard this version...

WHAT IN THE ACTUAL EFF??!! This song is freaking HORRIBLE!!!

Now this just might be me... I thought she lived with her father. I did not know she lived in a shelter with her father due to the fact that her mother decided she was bout done with her alcoholic husband and bounced! So NOW this teenage girl had to quit school and get a job to support her and her father. Thought it was sad there, NOPE shit gets WAY WORSE!! She meets some deadbeat asshole of a boyfriend IN THE SHELTER and he doesn’t have a job but he has a FAST CAR?!! So you are telling me this “child” is working as a cashier at a convenient store to make a little bit of money to put GAS in the non‐working boyfriends STUPID car?!! The EFF?? Lets keep going shall we...

She ABANDONS her father!! Now not only has the wife left him but his stupid daughter has abandoned him to?!! So now the drunk father has like NO ONE to take care of him?? RUDE!! But hey she got in the fast car with her deadbeat broke ass boyfriend and they left for the city. Found a NEW Shelter to live at and now she is telling him that she knows they will both find jobs and live in the suburbs (and in her mind I am sure it had a little white picket fence and everything...)

GUESS WHO’S ASS ENDED UP IN A TRAILER?!!!!! Little miss I wanna be with the guy who has a Fast Car, which by the way she now is not only working more than one job, and paying all the bills...BUT is also taking care of the crotch goblins she HAD with the deadbeat while he goes to the bar and hangs out with his friends and gets drunk on the regular and don’t spend time with his kids... WHAT DID YOU EXPECT?!!!!

Out of all of that you know what is the SADDEST... she told him to take his fast car and keep on driving...she said she had no plans on leaving and maybe she’d make something of herself... SHE BASICALLY ended up with her father if you think about it. Her momma did the SAME thing... didn’t break that curse huh now did ya?!

Can I tell you how much I wish I had just stuck to mumble Tracy Chapman’s version of this song? As much as I love Luke Combs, he has absolutely ruined this song for me. I can officially delete it off of my phone. Now if you’ll excuse me I am off to sit in a corner and cry somewhere... THANKS LUKE!!!!!

Thanks Brie!!

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