Tuesday, August 23, 2022

An Interesting Question

 Brie and I were in the living room one evening, just hanging out. Kitty was in her room. Brie was on social and said to me, "Hey, here's an interesting question." "What?"  She continued, "If someone gave you a box that contained everything you ever lost, what is the first thing you would look for?"

It took me about five seconds, if that, to come up with an answer that surprised me. I said, "Bobby Thombs."

"Really?" Brie said. "I would look for Chootie." (our former tiger cat) "Oh!" I said, "I didn't even say my Pumpkin Louise!"  We all know how much I loved my little long-haired Chihuahua. But she isn't what this post is about.

I met Bobby Thombs when we were freshmen in high school. He was one of the kids that transferred to South High from St. Michaels, since that school only went up to the 8th grade. We got to know each other through mutual friends, and were acquaintances through school.

We didn't start to "notice" each other until the end of Junior year / beginning of Senior year. We'd talk at parties, and I remember how shocked I was that he could dance. Of course, this was usually after a couple of beers because he was kind of shy. But he was tall and cute and had the prettiest brown eyes. Yep: I was smitten!

And then I found out that he wanted to double with me, my best friend and her boyfriend and go out dancing at a fancy place called The Fountain in Albany. I was so excited, as it would be our first date! I bought a new red dress to wear, and Emily and I chatted about it constantly since neither of us had been there before. We felt so grown up!

The week before our big date, Bobby and some friends were walking home. A drunk driver hit Bobby and a couple of other boys. He was taken to the hospital and was in critical condition, while the other boys only had minor injuries. I was terrified when I found out. But I prayed for him and told his friends that he would be okay. After all: we were both looking forward to our big date!

Alas, he died the night before our big date. My best friend came to my part-time job at Montgomery Ward to tell me, and to take me home. I was absolutely numb.

All of his friends went to Bobby's wake. It was the first time I had ever attended such an event, and I was a most unhappy camper. Finally: someone who wanted to date me and was actually able to date me, had been cruelly taken out by a drunk driver instead. i was devastated.

A few years ago I was sitting at my desk at work. All of a sudden, I felt...something go through me, and I heard the word 'Bobby'. That day I went to the cemetery to talk to him. I guess he wanted to make sure I didn't forget him. As if I could...

Forgive me Pumpkin Louise for not naming you first. But I think you understand.

So I ask you the same question. What would you look for first in that box of everything you've lost? Let me know!

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