Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Random for a Tuesday

 On Saturday after music rehearsal at church, I was chatting with the music director. His son recently moved out and he was talking about the things he had left behind. One of these items was a five-pound jar of peanut butter.

Just the thought of that much peanut butter made me want to gag. Peanut Butter and I have had a rocky  relationship for years; and I'm sure it's due to the smell.

Don't get me wrong: when I was a kid I loved peanut butter. I would eat it right out of the jar. I would eat it on celery. I would eat peanut butter and bacon sandwiches for lunch in elementary school; and grilled peanut butter sandwiches from Junior High on up. And don't get me started on peanut butter cookies and Reese's cups.

But like the title of one of Joseph Heller's books: Something Happened. I can't even put my finger on exactly when it was (maybe when I got pregnant), but suddenly I couldn't even stand the thought. Maybe it was when I had a Reese's cup that was dry and grainy inside (we've all hit one of those after Halloween!). Regardless, I was done with peanut butter.

Until I wasn't. Slowly over the years, I integrated it back into my life but on a limited scale. Such as I love peanut butter blossom cookies (Kitty makes them the best!) and I did love Walmart's Great Value mini peanut butter cups. They were better and smoother than Reese's. But as always happens: the minute they found out I loved them, they took them off the  market. Haters! 

And for the past several years, in the winter I like to have homemade peanut butter crackers as a protein snack when I'm at work, with a lovely cup of tea or hot chocolate. It's only in the winter though. I would use Ritz crackers and make up a few, and I was happy. Until something strange happened this year...

I had my little jar of peanut butter with me, and my bag of 14 Ritz crackers to make seven peanut butter sandwich crackers. I opened the jar, took out my plastic knife, and took out my first cracker. 

Hmm...something seemed amiss with this Ritz cracker. And then I figured it out: the holes were too big. Generally when you have a cracker, you don't even notice the holes. But you couldn't miss these! I took out a few more and they all had these, what seemed to me, overly large holes. Seven to be exact. I put some peanut butter on one, and a little bit was able to ooze through the holes. I was out at that point and threw them all away. 

Maybe it was just me being weird (probably!) but I couldn't get past that. So my season of enjoying my morning snack has come to an end a little early. Hopefully next winter I won't come across any suspect crackers.

But on the bright side: VIENNETTA ICE CREAM DESSERTS ARE COMING BACK!!!!!!!! ** Instead of Breyers, Good Humor is bringing them back soon. I cannot wait!! I already have my bottle of Hershey's Dark Chocolate Syrup ready for when they finally reach my local supermarket. Yay!!!

**See "Whatever Happened To...? June 2020.

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