Monday, March 16, 2020

Greedy Is As Greedy Does

Both of my daughters have royally annoyed me today. They are acting like the ages they were in this post. So I'm posting something from the past, when they were little and adorable (not like today). The humor is at my expense, but I need that today!
As a mother, I have no qualms about saying my kids, at times, showed signs of pure greediness.  I’m not sure where they got that trait from…it couldn’t have been from me!  Okay, you be the judge:
I was in the supermarket and noticed something new in the freezer section: Pepperidge Farm Mississippi Mud Pies.  Everyone knows how sumptuous Pepperidge Farm products are, so I figured how could you go wrong with a chocolate cookie crust, dark chocolate mousse, and cookie bits and more chocolate?  I bought a box of three to try.
They were just as wonderful as they looked on the box!  The kids asked if they could try one and I said, “No!  These are a special treat for mom so only I will eat them!  You guys can have the generic Popsicles.”  Disappointed, they trudged off: their little 10-and-6-year-old hearts broken.
I’d like to say that I relented and let them try the Mud Pies, but I didn’t. I went back to the store and bought more for me!
One afternoon I was watching TV and enjoying a Mud Pie.  It was so good I told Brie to get me another one.  “You’re going to eat two in a row?” she asked.  "Isn't that being greedy?" “Yes  but because they are delicious and mom deserves them, I'm having one more.”  She got me another one.  After inhaling that one too, I got sleepy.  “Mom’s going to take a nap.  Keep an eye on your sister,” I instructed Brie as I lay down on the couch.
I don’t know how long I slept, but when I woke up I was having a distinct issue.  It was the taste in my mouth!  Don’t ask how I know this, but my mouth tasted like – as Kai would have said back then – poopie!  Yikes!  What had happened while I was sleeping?
“Brie!” I called, smacking my lips with a look of distaste on my face.  “What is it mommy?  Why do you look so weird?”  “I have this horrible taste in my mouth.  It tastes like poop!”
At this, Brie burst into a fit of giggles.  “It’s probably from all of that dark chocolate you ate in the Mud Pies!”
That wasn’t the worst of it.  My stomach started gurgling and I had to make a beeline for the bathroom!  So not only did my mouth taste like poop, but I had to go poop!
By the time my intestinal distress was over, Brie had told her sister what happened and little Kitty was laughing too.  Then, to add insult to injury, they made up a song about it!  If I remember correctly, it went a little something like this:
Mississippi mud pie, mud pie, Mom wouldn’t let her kids try, kids try,
So now she’s running on back, yes running on back
To finish wiping her –‘ (you can fill in the blank with what rhymes with back)
Well, you get the drift.  Can we say disrespectful of their mother’s discomfort?  And can we also say that was the last time I ate a Mississippi Mud Pie?

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