Wednesday, February 26, 2020

A Memory Triggered

I was sitting at work today double-checking a student list for one of the assistant directors. A last name popped out at me (let’s call it VanHelsing). I remembered a girl from high school that had the same last name and I wondered if it was her son. I actually remember seeing him in our office before and thinking that he had the coloring of the VanHelsing family.

Then I started thinking about the girl, whose name was Roberta. She was a tiny girl with long dark hair, big dark eyes and an olive complexion. She had an odd way of speaking: like with an accent and always very fast. She was pretty smart, not good at gym, but very pleasant if you took the time to talk to her. Her family didn’t have much, and she had a younger brother and an older sister who struggled with her weight. There were days when she wasn’t quite fresh, to put it delicately. I think that’s why she liked gym days: because you could shower after class.

Anyhoo, the memory that immediately popped into mind was when we were in high school, and one weekend the youth leader from church was having a sleepover for the high school girls, and then we were going horseback riding the next day. I was so excited! My parents rarely let me go to sleepovers (you have your own bed to sleep in!) so this was a treat for me.

Imagine my surprise when I got to Kathy’s house, and Roberta was there. She didn’t go to our church, but my friend Debbie had asked if she wanted to come. I honestly didn’t mind since I had no beef with her, and at a sleepover the more the merrier! We ate lots of junk, watched movies, girl talked and just were having a good time. Roberta seemed a little shy, so I was talking to her and she lit up like Christmas because we made her feel like part of the gang.

You know how at these things, girls are always trying makeup and new hair styles and such. One of the girls asked Roberta if she’d like for her to brush her hair. She eagerly nodded yes. She did have long beautiful hair and I’m sure no one was brushing it for her. So my friend was behind her with the brush, Roberta was facing me and chatting happily and I could see my friend mouth, “Her hair is filthy,” behind her. I kind of wasn’t surprised but I felt bad. However, kudos to my friend for continuing to do this nice thing for Roberta.

Afterwards, my friend must have said something to Kathy because as we were all finally winding down she said, “Tomorrow before we eat breakfast remember to shower first. If you need any bathroom items just ask!” Subtle but effective! The next morning Roberta was the first one for a shower; and Kathy lent her some clean clothes to wear.

It was a good day for all, especially Roberta. After the sleepover, it was business as usual. But when we would see her in the halls we’d say hi; or if we had her in gym we no longer chose her last. Nothing fake: we just got to see a different side of her at the sleepover. I’m glad Debbie invited her.

Roberta is still around, by the way. I’ve seen her a couple of times the past few years and she still looks the same. I hope she has had a good life and is happy. After all: isn’t that what we all want at the end of the day?

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