Thursday, January 13, 2022

Random Thoughts Again!

 As I'm sitting at my desk at work, I happen to be eating some poor man's Oreos. These are the little six-pack of cookies you can buy at the store that aren't as good as a real pack, but hit the spot anyway and keep you from eating a real pack of 39 cookies. So as I'm eating these cookies, I look at my desk and see the Clementine I found in my work bag. I had already eaten my sandwich; so this just reminded me of the lunches Marie used to pack for us in elementary school. The only thing missing was the boiled egg. Ah, memories!

Looks like I'm going to have to update my husband list. Jason Mamoa is getting a divorce! I'm sad that a marriage is breaking up, but still - it's Jason Mamoa!

I've worked in a new department since October 18th and I love it; and my new team! My co-worker Jesse's office is just across the way from mine, and I have a clear view of him in his office. Earlier he was eating something and not sharing. He must think he's invisible. He is not. Hook a sista up Jesse!

I had to leave work to take Kitty to work since Debbi is in Florida on vacation. I had asked her what time she wanted me to pick her up. She said, "11:30". I asked, "Do you have to stop anywhere on your way?" She said no. Yet she didn't have to clock in until 1:00. She is just like my father and my sister: they also had to be at work mega-early because...I don't know, they thought they might miss something?? I'm sure in my father's case it was to be social: have a cup of coffee, visit with his co-workers, that kind of thing. Kitty likes to get the lay of the land: see who's working, maybe have some lunch, or take a walk to Hobby Lobby or Home Depot. But my sister was the worst: she would set her alarm clock 2 hours early. I finally had to ask her, "Why do you set your alarm so early, when you don't get up?" She answered, and I'm not making this up, "So I know I have 2 more hours to sleep." 😮 OR: you could just stay asleep until it was time to get up! That never made any sense to me, but I guess it worked for her. And even with that: she would still get to work with at the very least an hour to spare so she could read the paper, which she also could have done at home. But like they say: different strokes for different folks! I know the early bird is supposed to get the worm but who wants that???

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week I did the same thing: got home from work, put on my jammies, said I was taking a nap until dinner and then slept through dinner and most of the evening. When I'd wake up I'd think it was morning, but it was only 9:30, or 11:00, or 11:54 p.m. What the heck? But I have a situation going on that is just draining me, so it's kind of understandable. Then I go back to sleep: only to wake up at 2 a.m., or 3 a.m. and stay awake. Then I pass the time running plot lines through my head. When I finally go back to sleep, surprise! My alarm goes off within 15 minutes. This is not an example of good sleep habits. Especially when I woke up this morning and Lilly was happily snoozing on my head. Seriously!

Look: Jesse is eating again! I can't tell what he has but it looks good. I'm going to have to talk to him about that. After all: sharing is caring! I'm kidding: he doesn't have to share his food. I just like to pick on him. Mangia Jesse!

And now: back to my spreadsheet. Until another random thought hits! Like this one: I'm listening to Pure Moods 1 on YouTube.  The 16th song is called "The Heart Asks Pleasure First" by Michael Nyman. It is a song with beautiful piano playing in it. Every time I hear it (and yes I downloaded it and it's also my ringtone) I think of my sister Robin. This was a song she could have easily played, because she was a classically trained pianist. So whenever I hear it, I think of her and it calms my soul. Miss you Sissy...

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