Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Squinky in the Morning

 So...right now I have quite a bit going on. Nothing bad, but also nothing I've talked about yet. And it's something that keeps me up at night, but not in a bad way.

Brie also has a couple of things going on. Something she wants to talk about all the time. That's the difference between her and I: I keep it internal, while she lets it all out.

Anyhoo, her situation has her a little tense. I try to help, but there's only so much I can do. And then she gets squinky and frustrated and then we might have words or stop speaking altogether because she's mad at me. Squinky!.

This morning was a squinky time. We were getting ready for work, and I didn't have any fruit. Then I remembered I had  a few frozen grapes in the freezer. I would take them! So I got a Ziploc bag, opened the freezer, took out the bowl only to discover there were only six grapes in there. Oh well: better than nothing and I'd go to the store later.

Then I heard Brie from the dining room. "I don't have anything for snack today. Hey, what are you doing?" She came into the kitchen. "I'm packing up the last of the grapes." "But I didn't have any!" "Brie, these grapes have been here for four days, you knew they were here and there are only six." "Oh great: now I have nothing!" (even though I had told her last night that we had apple slices. But I digress...)

Inside, I knew the issue wasn't the grapes. But I stupidly said, "Then you take them." "No you already have them. I'll just have nothing." "Brie, there are only six but please take them." "No!" and she headed out of the kitchen.

I went after her, Ziploc bag in hand. "Just take them!" "No!" We got to the living room and I threw them into her workbag. "Just take them!" She took them out. "No just forget it!"  She put the bag back in my hand, and I was well over it by now. "Fine!" I mustered up my dignity, turned and went to step smartly away.

However, in my midst of righteous indignation, I failed to notice the Puffs tissue box on the floor. I smartly stepped on it, went to walk, didn't realize it was stuck to my foot, the slippery box slid on the floor, I did a turn, started to fall, reached for the small gray chair by my couch, only got part of it, did another pirouette and landed sideways on part of the chair.

How Brie kept from howling with laughter at this, I have no idea. "Are you okay?" she asked. As I got up and felt the pain in my left knee I said, "Yes I'm fine." "Enjoy your grapes." And she left after saying a half-hearted "love you".

So as I hobbled around, gathering up my purse, work bag and Rocky Mountain tumbler, I decided two things. 1) Brie is a hater when she's squinky; and 2) the next time she wants frozen grapes she can make them herself!

By the way: here's what we do with the grapes to make them fight-over worthy:

Wash the grapes. Pat them dry. Put them in a bowl. Sprinkle your favorite flavor of dry Jello over them. Roll them around so they're covered. Throw them in the freezer for an hour or two. Delicious!! Enjoy!

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