Isn't it weird what kinds of random things will annoy you? There is a commercial on TV that really bothers me. Well, not just one...
The first one is the commercial where the couple is trying to decide where to go out for Chinese food. Then from out of nowhere this panda bear puts in his two cents worth and recommends they cook Chinese food in that night. I can't even remember what the product is: Wan Tai Fairy, or Cherry, or something like that. Then as they are eating the Panda says, "I didn't feel like going out anyway." Really? Does no one else find it weird that the couple wasn't even surprised when the Panda bear offered his opinion? Ot that the bear was even there? Why does he get a vote anyway? I'm sure he didn't buy that Wan Tai whatever-it-was, but he was eating it like a champ! I'm sure the premise was supposed to be who knows Chinese food better than a Panda who is from China but still: I'm not taking my food recommendations from him! And I can't help but think if they didn't go with what he said: Panda would be eating the couple for dinner!
The other commercial that bothers me contains bears too. Coincidence? I think not! It's the Charmin bath tissue commercial. Don't get me wrong: that's the brand I buy and I like it. But seriously: who honestly believes that it would only take 4 squares of Charmin to clean a bear's butt??? It takes at least 4 squares just to get the roll started!
And here's another thing: I'm tired of Junior Bear always having paper biddies on his butt. How in the world is he wiping anyway, if all of that frayed tissue ends up all over? Someone was negligent in his potty training, obviously.
I really don't know why these two commercials in particular get under my skin so much. But I do have to mention one more; and this one doesn't feature talking bears.
I believe the product is for Luvs diapers. It's an animated commercial; where kids are competing at what can only be called the poopie-Olympics. They are being judged on how much poop their diapers can hold, so they strain really hard, turn around and then the diaper grows huge with all the poop. I swear I am not making this up! It's just gross to me. Yay you have a diaper that has great holding-non-dripping power. But a thousand boos for presentation! The only thing worse would be if they were REAL babies!
So here's a little thought for you: what commercials drive you nuts?
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