Saturday, February 5, 2011

Brr Brr Brr BRRRRRRR!!!!

Contrary to what you might think: the title is not an editorial comment on the weather here in the great northeast.  Nope: it's me tooting my own horn because on Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011, I received my first-ever royalty check for my writing!  Whoo hoo!  That's right: now I am a paid author.  Finally, after all these years :o)  I have wanted to be an author ever since I wrote my first book in the 3rd grade with my best friend at the time Ellen Feinberg.  It was called "The Adventures of Tom and Bob".  Since we were like...7 or 8 at the time, I'm sure you can figure out just how wonderful the book was!

But Els and I had shared the book with our teacher and the class; and we were told it was a good endeavor and funny story.  After that: I didn't want to do anything else.

And truth be told: ever since then I have written more stories and books than I can remember.  However, the closest I had ever gotten to getting published (not counting my poetry) was in 2001.  I had found a publisher and had sent in my manuscript, and they wanted to publish it!  However, 2 things happened to derail that:  Brie got sick and almost died, so I missed the deadline to have the contract signed and returned.  Then after I had convinced them to give me another chance: 9/11 happened and they decided my book didn't have the right "tone" of the country after that tragedy.  So that dream didn't materialize.

I was heartbroken, but not deterred.  I submitted manuscripts, hounded editors, did poetry readings and kept writing but nothing happened for me.

Finally, in 2010, I made a resolution that I was going to get published during that year, no matter what.  And thanks to Barnes and Noble: it became a reality! and look for "Southern Hospitality" and "Three's The Charm".  My first name is Rita so make sure you download them both onto your e-reader or computer :o)

You have no idea how wonderful it was to see my work for sale on their website; and how gratifying it was to receive payment.  Of course I can't quit my day job; but it was great validation to know that people were willing to pay for my books and that they enjoyed them.

So tell your friends and family ro make their purchases: they'll be glad they did :~p

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