Wednesday, December 4, 2024

My Late Birthday Gift to Myself

 There were times when I thought about discontinuing my blog. Sometimes I get tired, or discouraged, or think what I write isn't important or impressive enough. Yet I keep going because writing is such an ingrained and integral part of my life. Plus I like sharing with people, because you just never know when something you write resonates with someone, or makes an impact on their life. I haven't monetized my blog so you know I'm not writing it to become rich, haha! And I like making people feel good, or think, or laugh out loud.

As I kept writing, I set goals for myself. Before I knew it (re: after 11 years!) I had reached 30,000 reads. Not followers, mind you (wouldn't that be amazing!). But as long as there were readers: they didn't have to follow. Just keep reading!

I was thrilled that it only took a year and a half to reach an additional 10,000 reads, bringing the total to 40,000 on March 18, 2024. That really inspired me. How long would it take to reach 50,000 reads? Could I garner that many in less than 18 months?

YOU BET!! I was secretly hoping by my birthday in November; however, on December 2nd I hit that magic number. I couldn't believe it! It was like a late gift to myself. 10,000 reads in eight and half months. That is a personal best for me; and it's thanks to YOU!

Trust me when I say I am not bragging. It just warms me through and through to know that people are out there reading, and hopefully enjoying my blog. The love I feel from my readers is what keeps me going with the family stories, outrageous happenings and quiet moments. It does not make me want to write more poetry though!

Readers in Hong Kong and Singapore are the ones that put me over the 50,000 mark on December 2nd. A big shout out to those readers! So to all of my friends, known and unknown, near and far: thank you so much for your faithfulness and enjoyment of my stories. And feel free to holla at your girl! 😘

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