Monday, January 13, 2025

Interesting Question #3

There must be something about Brie and I that makes strangers stop to ask us questions out of the blue. This happened before Christmas.

Brie and I were out running errands and Christmas shopping for Kitty. We stopped at our favorite Dunkies to get iced coffees before going home. We got them and stepped outside, one on either side of the car as an older man approached from my side. "Excuse me, but are you ladies Christians?"

She and I looked at each other across the car's roof, then answered in the affirmative. The gentleman said he was too and then posited the question, "Have you ever wondered how could God He was the Beginning and will be the End. So how could He not have a starting point?"

That was a very interesting question. I knew I had to be careful with my answer. "Since we are human and have a finite mind, there is no way we can fully comprehend this. We won't know the answer to that until we actually meet Him face to face, and we will have full understanding." Brie said, "I have always wondered the same thing, but we can't understand that kind of power."

The gentleman said, "I wonder if we will truly ever be able to understand it? How could something have always been?" I replied, "That is the question of the ages, but also says a lot about faith." He thanked us and then went into Dunkies.

It's strange, but until the man asked us that question, I hadn't really thought about how that could be. To me: it just was. It's like when people say, "How can God be three: the Father, Son and Holy Ghost?" My stock answer is, "Well, how can you be a mother, a sister, a daughter, an aunt and a teacher yet be one person? Perhaps you are what you need to be depending on the situation. You can be called many things, but at your core you are you." However, since he is so far above humans (like ad infinitum above!) God is able to be three separate entities, and we know this to be true since Jesus sits on the right hand of God and the Holy Spirit indwells those who invite him into their hearts. Yep: that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

I can't wait to see what interesting question I'll be asked next!

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