Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Why I'm Not Having Surgery


So after over three years of caring for my mother at my house, she is in a really good nursing home. I just couldn’t provide 24/7 care for her anymore and had to finally admit defeat. But she is being well taken care of, they have had NO instances of COVID and she has a wonderful view of the mountains from her room. That’s the good news.

The not so good news is that with these years of helping her, especially if she fell or needed help up from her chair: my left shoulder and low back are jacked up.  When I went to the ortho after I had new x-rays taken, he showed me the x-ray from 2017 and the new one. “Good grief, what kind of abuse have you been experiencing?” he asked. “You have bursitis, calcium deposits, a torn tendon and bone spurs.” Yep: all that damage from taking care of my mother. And yes: it hurts like a mother! But it’s what you do for your parent.

Anyhoo, I’ve been going to PT which I dislike intensely. I have pretty much no range of motion (without excruciating pain) when I try to reach behind me or raise my arm past a certain point. So what I like about PT is the heat pack, the ultra sound and the ice pack at the end. Any actual exercises just make me mad because it hurts. But I do them to the best of my ability and then go home and whine to the daughters who roll their eyes and tell me I need to do them. Haters!

I recently had an MRI done and the ortho set me up with an appointment to see the surgeon because he really feels that some arthroscopy to clean up my shoulder will go a long way towards helping me. I see the surgeon in four weeks. I asked my ortho how long the healing process is and he said 12 weeks. I said, “Out of work????” and he said no, I could probably go back to work after 4 to 6 weeks. Small consolation: that’s all of my vacation and sick time!

So here’s the reason why I’m not having surgery: because there is no one to take care of me while I heal. Sure my girls say they will. LIES! And here’s how I know.

Right now, since I can’t reach behind me, I cannot unhook my b-r-a. If I ask Kitty to help me, she looks like she expects me to flash her afterwards. I have to reassure her that she only has to reach under the back of my shirt and do it. She is still very squeamish about it and tries to do it without actually touching me.  Sheesh, I changed your diaper but you don’t want to help me with this small task??

Brie, on the other hand, acts too happy to do it. She tries to creep me out by doing the porn music while she’s unhooking it. She thinks she’s funny but she is not! At least she gets it done without acting like I have cooties.

When I am getting dressed I can at least put the b-r-a on backward, hook it, turn it around and then try to slide the straps over my arms. But I can’t exactly do the left side so again I have to ask creepy Brie for help. Which involves waking her up, which is an adventure all by itself. Once I get her cognizant and coherent she is good about it. The only unfortunate thing is that once I get my arms in and the straps up, (gentlemen close your eyes for this part) sometimes all of my naughty bits are in the b-r-a and sometimes they aren’t. Then I have to do this move that hopefully shakes everything into place.

But the best part is my hair. I can’t do the left side correctly because I can’t raise my arm. So again: time to wake up Brie. Sometimes I am successful: sometimes not so much. She was sleeping on the couch one morning and I said, “Can you help me with my hair?” “Sure momma.” She then proceeded to not only not turn her face from the back of the couch: she also just moved her hand in the air like she was actually touching my hair. “Brie, you’re supposed to be doing my hair!” “I am momma.” Still waving her hand in the air. “It looks really nice.” “You haven’t even touched it nor looked at it!” Still facing the couch: “Yes I did and you look beautiful momma.” Seriously! I cannot make this stuff up.

At least the one thing they will do is spray or roll icy hot on me. Not because they love me: oh no, it’s because they don’t have to touch me. Rude! It isn’t like I have crocodile skin: my skin is actually quite nice since I take good care of it. Well, most of it. Sorry left side! Guess I’ll have to keep on with the PT and maybe consider the arthroscopy so I can stop torturing the girls into helping their mother.  

So until I can find someone, other than the dogs, to take care of me during a convalescence: say a prayer for me healing and not needing surgery at all!


  1. I'm having shoulder and arm pain too. I'm glad you wrote about it, Rita. I don't feel so isolated about these particular problems now. PT helped me so much recently and Denise told me to keep doing the exercises the rest of my life. They are a real mood-booster too. Prayers going up!

    1. Thank you! I'm hoping this latest round of PT helps.

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