Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What I Miss the Most

While working from home of course I miss the usual things: my office, co-workers, students and work friends. But what I miss most has nothing to do with that.

During this shelter in place, a good friend of mine lost his beautiful mother to COVID-19. Thanks to this new "not" normal, I was unable to see him or give him a hug. That's what I miss the most: hugs and touch. These are two things that occur when you want to comfort someone. However, that isn't happening right now. He has a wife and two little boys so even though, thank God, no one else has it: can't take a chance. Nope: not until this pandemic is "over". At that time I told him I owe him a big hug.

A woman I had known since elementary school died unexpectedly just before Mother's Day (not from COVID). She was an amazing wife and mother and I loved seeing her. Her death was a tragedy in and of itself. Her daughter is one of my daughter's best friends. She has a toddler and is pregnant with twins. Sometimes there just aren't any words. And now there aren't any hugs either. Especially since every week this girl would send her mom the newest sonogram pics of the twins: something special they could share. Phone calls and messages are nice but not being able to reach out and give her a real motherly hug broke my heart.

Also, no services to commemorate these two women who meant so much to those who knew and loved them. Just another tragic reality in this crazy world of 2020.

So having to wear a mask and not being able to sit in a restaurant aren't that significant in comparison to not being able to reach out and touch someone who might need it more than you know. Yeah, that's what I miss the most.

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