When I first moved back home after the implosion of my marriage, it took me a while to get back on my feet. I moved back on August 3; but it took me until November 21, my birthday, to procure employment with a local company. Thankfully my cousin Ivy was instrumental in helping me get the job.
Within a couple of weeks Ivy let me know that the company was having a Christmas Party at the Queensbury Hotel and she would drive us there. This put me into a panic because I had a baby and a toddler, had just started working and pretty much had no money to buy a fancy outfit. Ivy, who was a superb seamstress, was making a ball gown out of gold lame and black velvet. I knew I'd look like the poor relation but what could I do?
I told my mother my dilemma and explained that I would make a poor showing in front of my new friends and coworkers because I didn't have the funds to buy a nice dress. Marie said, "Why do you need to spend a lot of money? You can go to the department store and I'm sure find something that will be just fine for you. I always say at the end of the day, wear what makes you feel comfortable."
I thought about this a lot. Then one night after work I asked Ivy if she would drive me to Zayre's so I could find something. "What do you think they'll have there?" she asked. "I don't know but it's in my budget so there had better be something!"
So at midnight that night I was walking around that store remembering what my mother had told me. And then I saw it: a turquoise oversized sweatshirt that reached mid-thigh, just like I used to wear to the club in my heyday. It was well within my budget at $9.99 so I figured I could do something with it. It looked good in 1978, so why not in 1985??
I didn't let Ivy see what I bought. After all, I knew I'd have to accessorize like crazy to do something with just a sweatshirt dress!
The night finally arrived. I wasn't one to wear makeup, but I did my eyes and lips. I did my nails in red. I borrowed a fancy turquoise and black belt to accentuate my waist (yes, I had one back then). I put on a couple of long silver necklaces and silver drop earrings. Then I had on black high heels and off-black hose with a seam up the back. Very sexy...
When I presented myself to my mother she said, "See? You look wonderful! No one will know it's a $10 sweatshirt."
And you know what? She was right! Even Ivy, in her gold and black velvet ball gown, couldn't believe how fancy I looked. Truth be told, I think she was a wee bit miffed that people at the party made such a fuss over me, but I'm sure they were being extra nice to the new girl.
It was a great Christmas party and a great memory. I also have great memories of the Christmas party I just attended last night. So stay tuned!
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