I know, I
know: I said after the last injury that I was all done trying to imitate the
dancers on Dancing with the Stars and So You Think You Can Dance. But this past
Monday night I saw a move that was so simple; I knew I could pull it
Brie and
I were watching DWTS before I had to pick Kitty up from work. The couple
dancing was doing the Samba, if memory serves (and it doesn’t always,
haha). At one point the pro dancer
turned his back to the star, she picked up her leg so it was even with his
waist and he grabbed it, pulling her behind him as she glided across the
floor. I turned to Brie and said, “We
can totally do this,” to which she replied, “Hell no!”
“Oh come
on,” I cajoled. “I’ll do the dragging
part so you have it easy.” Very begrudgingly, she finally agreed.
“We’ll do
it in the kitchen where there's tile,” I enthused, heading for the
kitchen with a reluctant daughter behind me.
“Are you sure about this?” she asked.
“Yes! Now
I’ll turn my back, and you lift up your leg and I’ll grab it. Then I’ll pull
obediently did this, but as I tried to drag her she was hopping, which didn’t
work. “Why are you hopping? That’s not
what you’re supposed to do. You're supposed to glide.”
I’m wearing my flip flops, not dancing shoes.”“Oh good grief, that shouldn’t matter. Just leave that foot on the floor and I’ll drag you.”
“Okay mom.”
Now this time, she lifted up her leg, I grabbed it to start dragging her, but all of a sudden I felt this leaden weight around my neck as I started to move. “Ahhh, what are you doing?” I yelled as her arms went around my neck and she leaned all of her weight on my back to drag her.
“I’m not hopping, so I have to lean on you for support,” she said. “But my foot isn’t exactly gliding.”
“Get off
of me! Get off!!” I yelled as I felt something pull in my neck.
“Well put
my leg down then!”
“Oh my
neck!” I said, rubbing it. “I'm going to be a hurting unit in the morning. I can’t
believe you did that!”
“You told
me to! I knew this was a bad idea,” she said huffily, putting her flip flop back on. “You know how this always ends up when we try
anything on TV, but you never listen to me.”
As I searched for the Icy Hot I thought, 'Seriously: when will I ever learn??'