It's almost 3:30 a.m. Pumpkin has given up staring at me dolefully to get me to come to bed; so she has curled up in her snuggie to sleep. Presents are wrapped and under the tree and in chairs. We went to my Aunt and Uncle's for a Christmas Eve banquet: afterwards my dear friend David came to my house to visit. Sigh...I just love him. We fell in love in high school and are still best friends to this day. Probably because we both know where each other's skeletons are buried! I think I've convinced him to come up for New Year's Eve: I'll keep you posted. There's a poem about him, but I'll share that with you later since I'm too sleepy now.
I want to share one of my favorite Christmas memories with you, since my girls and I have been reminiscing all day. Kitty is brilliant; spiritual, and a true artist. She sees art all around her, and creates some great pieces. I want to tell you about one of her art "installations".
This happened maybe 5 or 6 years ago. Kitty decided that we needed to set up a nativity scene. I told her I didn't have the money to go out and buy one. Undaunted, she declared that she was going to make one. I said, "Have at it" and went into my room to read, figuring that she was just blowing smoke. After all, we had no figurines, clay or baby dolls that she could use.
To my surprise, an hour or so later she knocked on my door (that was a Christmas miracle in and of itself) and announced that the nativity scene was ready. Puzzled, I stepped out of my room and stopped in the archway between the hallway and the living room. There on my long dresser, was her nativity scene that she had created using her stuffed animals! She had 3 tri-colored bears for wise men, beanie babies for barn animals, brown teddy bears for shepherds, and 2 large rabbits for Mary and Joseph with a little bunny in a small toy cradle for the baby Jesus. She used ponytail holders to secure the adult "hands" into a prayerful position! I was so delighted with her creativity that I had to laugh out loud in joy and take a photo for posterity.
I never should have doubted Kitty's ingenuity. Anything that she has set out to do: she has done. She never lets a little thing, like her autism, get in her way. She is amazing 😊
So that's it. I am exhausted, but looking forward to the morning which is close at hand. I have some jazz on (Christmas jazz, the jury's still out on how I feel about that). The girls and I dressed in new jammies for Christmas Eve to be even more festive.
In closing, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. And good morning! Remember we are celebrating Jesus's birthday, not yours. It's not about the presents: but His presence.
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