I was driving to work one day last week and an interesting question was posed on the morning show I was listening to. The question was: what shocking thing did you find out about someone after they died?
That's an easy one for me. But I'll give you a little backstory first.
When my mother was in the hospital, there were all kinds of hoops you had to jump through to get certain programs / insurance to pay for her stay(s). I had to contact everybody and their brother to get information. I had to get so much documentation and verification, on top of my usual life stuff. It was exhausting. However, doing my searches, etc., I found out more than I ever wanted to know.
It turns out that Marie was my father's 3rd wife. 😮 Forget about mind blown: this was a mind eff. How had this never been disclosed before?
I needed a copy of my father's service record. After much digging and some help from a hospital administrator, we were able to obtain a copy of it. I looked at it, but something wasn't quite right. It was the name of the spouse. It said "Lucille". I was like, "Did Marie go by a different name when she and dad met?" But then I saw the year: 1942. That couldn't be right. Marie would have only been 12 in 1942. Then it hit me: it wasn't Marie! That was punch number one.
I decided to do a little investigative work, with the help of Snoopy Brie. And she was good at it! However, we didn't find any information on a Lucille Debnam from the forties. Brie kept digging, since she had some free time at work, and lo and behold: when she clicked on another woman named Debnam, she had my father listed as her husband! There was a picture of her cemetery plot, her obituary which listed him as her husband as of 1975 (the year she died), and a link to his cemetery plot. WTF??? Punch number two...
So that made Marie spouse number three. At one point I did get around to asking her if she knew he'd had two other wives, but she said no I must be mistaken. Trust me: I'm not mistaken.
There you have it: the shocking thing I discovered about my father years after he died. We tried to get in touch with a member of Vinnie's family (that was #2's name) but they never responded. And unfortunately, there is only one person left on my father's side that might have been able to provide answers, but let's just say she isn't a reliable source.
So I'm thinking that perhaps this is God's way of telling me that some doors are best left closed. Especially if there could be more information that would hurt me more than I've already been hurt in the past.
Do you have any shocking things that you've discovered?