There is this great local supermarket that I frequent called Market 32. It used to be called Price Chopper, but I guess that wasn't fancy enough so they had to upgrade the name.
A big perk of shopping here is they have an Advantage card, which entitles you to extra discounts on grocery items and Sunoco gas. We could all use that now! And when they have special items, like bakeware and cookware, you can use your points to buy them. I was all about the MasterChef cookware!
Anyhoo, I was perfectly happy with my Blue Advantage card, until I noticed a woman ahead of me in line. She took out her Advantage card, and the picture on it was blueberries! You know I had to ask her where she got it from, and she said, "When I signed up for the card, this is what they sent me."
As you can imagine: I was so jealous! I had a plain old blue card, and she had blueberries! My mission was to get one of those cards! So when I went home, I ordered a new Advantage card and eagerly awaited delivery. When the envelope came in the mail, I ripped it open, unfolded the sheet -
- And the same plain blue card was in there! I was so upset! I wanted to be part of the Blueberry Club too! To try to make myself feel better, I did buy a reusable bag that had the blueberries on it, but it wasn't the same.
My ire was further raised when the girls decided to get their own Advantage cards instead of me getting all the points. As you already know: of course they were both given the blueberry card! Why was I being excluded from this obviously exclusive club? Why did Price Chopper / Market 32 hate me???
So I had to suck it up and not sulk like the child I am inside. I would just continue to use the stupid plain Advantage card and be satisfied.
Then my card stopped working, and I used my license for the points. Yep: I did that right up until a male cashier one day said to me, "You live in South Glens Falls, right?" "Um...I might. Why?" "Well I saw your address on your license the other day. I grew up right around the corner from your family and I know your brother." That's when I knew I had to stop using my license! I didn't need anyone showing up at my house because they know my brother! That was all the impetus I needed to go online to sign up for a replacement card.
My new card arrived Saturday. I opened the envelope and unfolded the sheet, and what to my wondering eyes should appear? A blueberry card to fill me with cheer! I was finally a member of the Blueberry Club! I immediately put the card in my wallet, and I even have one for my keychain which I display proudly because I'm a nerd. Yet I feel like one of the cool kids now 😎 Thanks Market 32! Recognize!