Out of all of the moves I've done, this last one was the hardest. I'm sure a lot of it had to do with the circumstances, since I hadn't planned on moving by the end of April. But God always has a plan for me that I might not see at the time, but looking back I certainly see His hand in it all. Although I wasn't planning on moving: He knew I had to get out of that house.
Not that it was a bad house. It certainly served its purpose while we were there. However, it had gotten to the point where, due to unforeseen circumstances, it was like a spirit of oppression, or depression, began to permeate the house. I'm pretty sure I know where it came from. But digging that all up isn't the purpose of this blog post.
I had been under so much stress for the past three years or so. It seemed to affect every facet of my life. I lost a lot of weight. I wasn't sleeping. My dietary habits dissolved into chaos. I became very introverted, not going anywhere and putting friends on pause. I didn't even look the same...And this was without even bringing covid into the mix!
Long story short: I believe God finally decided that enough was enough. If I wasn't going to try to change things, He was going to make things change. So the next thing I knew: I was looking for a new place to live.
Once I got over the shock, I decided that this was a good thing. It was forcing me to get out of my funk, and do something about my own situation. If the sale of the house didn't get me out of my inertia, I don't know what would have. But trust me: this did it!
And as I went through the house, purging a LOT of stuff, I felt lighter. As we started moving stuff into our nice new place: I began to feel like me again. And I hadn't felt like this in a long time. As I felt better, I realized I was looking better too! The closer it came to the day I'd totally walk away from the old house: the more I started to recognize the person in the mirror...
This past Saturday was the very last day I had to go back to the old house to do one more walkthrough. Schmoop-dog was with me. There was nothing left but empty rooms. No life, no echoes, no indication that I had ever lived there. He went out the front door to his vehicle. I stood in the doorway, whispered a goodbye and thanks for the memories that were good, and locked the door for the last time. As I headed for my car, I noticed poor Schmoopie had burst into tears. He said even he had so many memories there, and it was tough knowing he would never be there again. Personally, once I knew I was never going back, I felt great! No more oppression, no more depressive mood and now the world could be my oyster! I got in my car, blew a kiss and drove away without a backward glance.
Gabriella said that once I was out of that house, my entire life would change for the better. She was right! I'm sleeping so much better, my food issues are gone, and when I look in the mirror I like what I see. Dark circles are almost gone, my skin looks and feels great, and Gabriella wants to know where I have gotten the really nice dresses I've been wearing to work. Don't worry about it and don't touch them! I'm feeling good so I want to really look good too! Plus I'm much closer to work now 😀
But the best thing that happened: a call from my brother in Texas on Saturday was a life-changing experience for me. What we talked about is personal, but suffice it to say God was written all over it. 💖
So I'm starting fresh in a number of areas, and feeling so good about it. I can't wait to see what other great things are in store for me. Letting go and letting God have his way in this is going to be amazing! So stay tuned!