This past Saturday my mother had a bill due so I stopped by in the morning to grab it and pay it. She looked so little and alone, I asked her if after I ran my errands I could bring her something for lunch. She visibly brightened and said to surprise her. So after Brie and I had our hair appointments, I dropped her off and went to Dunkies to get my mother’s favorite sandwich and a hot chocolate. It was a cold day and I knew she would enjoy it.
I took it to her and she was happy. I didn’t have any other plans until I had to drop off Kitty somewhere, so I told her I would keep her company. And she knows the rule: if I am at her house we do NOT watch the news. I always find something crazy for her to watch so she isn’t just inundated with bad news all the time.
This day, one of the channels was running a Twilight movie marathon. Pay dirt! I turned to the channel and she said, “What in the world is this?” I explained a bit of the plot line to her. She thought for a minute and said, “I don’t think I’d like to date a vampire. I’d worry that he’d be chewing on me while I was sleeping.” Yes, I literally laughed out loud. I said that was her choice. Then she wanted to know if I thought there were any around here. I assured her that if there were any, they were far away in Transylvania. I told her that I was team Wolf Pack anyway. This seemed to cause her a bit of concern. “I’m sure they are much too big and smelly to be pleasant.” Sorry Jacob: my mother doesn’t approve!
Presently I had to go take Kitty to her friend’s house. “Well, thank you for coming over,” my mother said sadly. I told her she didn’t have to watch any more Twilight and I turned the channel to news. Ugh!
After I dropped off Kitty I decided to treat myself to my new addiction: a cherry icee from Cumberland Farms. Yes it was 20 degrees but so what? It wasn’t like I was going to drink it outside. Then I figured since I was getting myself a treat: why not stop at Stewart’s and get Marie some ice cream? So I did.
You can imagine her surprise when I came back through the door, especially with her Philly’s Apple Pie ice cream. She ate ½ of the 2 scoop dish and said she would save the rest for the next day. And of course I had again changed the channel back to the Twilight marathon. So we watched TV and talked and she said, “If you happen to fall asleep I’m not going to wake you up. I’ll just let you sleep there all night!” I knew she would have loved that, but seriously I was sitting in a spot next to her that was freezing! I was maybe…a little over 2 feet from the heater, which was set at 78, but I felt nothing. I then wrapped up in an afghan AND a blanket but was still freezing. I told her that Robin must be sitting in the chair with me because nothing warmed me up. She wistfully said, “You really think so?” I told her that I knew without a doubt that Robin was always with her. That seemed to satisfy her.
When I finally left (because it was warmer outside than in that living room chair!) I was glad that I spent most of the day with her. It made her happy, it kept her company and we got to talk about her dating preferences (no vampires!), ha ha. And you know what? I think I’ll do it again real soon. But this time I’ll bring my own heater! ☺