Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why I Will Always Live With Kitty

There are many reasons why I will always live with Kitty, such as she’s my daughter, I love her, and she’s very entertaining, helps with bills and loves to vacuum.  However, there’s an even bigger reason why she will always be my roommate…

It had been a very rough week, and on this particular Friday night I just wanted to kick back and relax after dinner.  After all: I deserved it!  Kitty was in her room, and I decided to watch reruns of “Reba” and enjoy some Cheetos and a juice box.  The cats were keeping me company, so it was going to be a good night!

Presently, as it was getting to a really good part of one of my favorite episodes, I heard a tiny little noise.  It wasn’t me crunching on the Cheetos, so it must have been the cats.  I looked to my left: Charlie was sleeping on a chair.  I looked to my right: Luna was sleeping on another chair.  Something told me to look up.  My eyes slowly traveled up the wall and there, perched on the wall like a painting, was a bat!

A couple of things went through my mind at this point:  like it was February and technically bats were supposed to be hibernating; how exactly was the bat clinging to the sheer face of the wall in the first place, and a pest control person had told me that to get rid of a bat you turned on lights in all the rooms except the one with the window or door so the bat would automatically fly out.  This seemed perfectly rational, but seeing the bat on my wall made rationality moot. 

Luckily, I had a broom pretty close to where I was sitting, since earlier I had planned to sweep the floor and that didn’t happen.  As I observed the bat, I realized that it was moving very slowly because it KNEW it was supposed to be hibernating and not hanging out on my living room wall like a wall safe.  I figured that I could knock it down with the broom and then sweep it out the door.  So I very slowly reached for the broom, got my hand around the handle, and prepared to lift it up. However, I had no foreshadowing of the events to come.  Such as the bat sensing my movement, and then spreading its 7-foot pterodactyl wings and taking flight!

When this happened I did what any other person would do under the circumstances:  I screamed like a little girl, dropped the broom and started running around the living room, waving my hands around my head to keep the bat from landing!  This woke up the cats who thought I was playing some kind of new game.  They saw me running, saw the bat flying, and then they started trying to chase the bat.  So now I not only had to keep the pre-historic Jurassic pterodactyl bat from setting up a condo in my hair, but I also had to keep from stepping on the cats.

At some point during this scene from a horror movie, I remembered that Kitty was in her room.  All I had to do was make it there, and she’d do something about the bat because she’s fearless!  She’s a warrior!  She’s the great and powerful Kitty!  So I headed in the direction of her room: but just like in the movie Poltergeist, all of a sudden the hall elongated and the door got further away!  Now I was hysterical, running down the hall until I finally managed to get to the door.  I turned the handle: it was locked!  So I pounded on the door, screaming her name. “Kitty!  Kitty!” 

I heard her voice on the other side. “Who is it?”

“It’s your mother!”  I yelled.  “Let me in!”

“What’s going on out there?”  SHE STILL HADN’T UNLOCKED THE DOOR!

“There’s a bat out here!!”

“What do you mean a bat?  It’s winter and they’re hibernating.”

“Open the freakin’ door!”

Finally she opened the door and I fell inside her room.  “Mom, are you sure it’s a bat?”

“Yes I’m sure.  Can you take care of it?”

“Of course I can.  You stay here and rest.”  She put on her leopard print slippers and a safari hat (don’t ask), grabbed her butterfly net and out the bedroom door she went as I huddled in a heap on the floor by her bed.  I kept a fearful eye on the little slit under her door in case the predator managed to subdue my daughter and came looking for me again!

I never heard any noise, but she came back a few minutes later.  “All set mom.  You’re safe now.”

“What did you do with it?”

She looked at me like I was simple.  “I took it outside and let it go.”

“You let it go???  So it can come back??”

“It’s not going to come back.”

“Yes it is and then what will I do?”

“Mom, it won’t come back.  Sheesh, what do you want to do: move?”

My eyes lit up and I literally grabbed her and shook her.  “Yes, that’s exactly what we’ll do!  We’ll move!  We don’t even need to pack: let’s just get in the car and go!”

There was a decided look of alarm on her face.  “Calm down!  We are not moving!  I’ll make you a cup of tea so you’ll feel better.”

“Tea, yes, okay.  Thank you Kitty. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t been here.”

So she made me a cup of her special witch’s brew tea (again, don’t ask) and tucked me into my own bed like the good daughter she is.  However, for the next 2 weeks, I slept with all the lights on and with one eye open, just in case…

And that is why Kitty will always be my roommate!  But I wonder: how does she feel about it? :)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Worth The Wait?

After church today, I had to stop at Hannaford to pick up some food for the greedy and unemployed pets. (Seriously, I know they don't have opposable thumbs but surely they could so something). As I was getting out of the car Marie (yes, she was riding shotgun!) says, "If you see anything in there with my name on it you can go ahead and get it for me." Really Marie?? But I digress...

Anyhoo, I go in the store, grab a cart and slowly make my way through the store. When I had all of my purchases, I realized I hadn't gotten anything for Marie. Having limited funds, I tried to think of something economical I could get, and that led me to the cookie aisle. She loves the Anna's Ginger Thins, and after some real searching I found them on a lower shelf. Then I proceeded to meander my way down the cookie aisle, trying to decide what kind of cookie I would buy, if I was in the mood for cookies.  Eventually, I ended up at the Oreos, America's greatest cookie. And they're always on sale! But I had eaten some last week, so I wasn't even tempted.

Then I looked up, way up on the top shelf, and I saw them: Nabisco's Famous Wafers.  If you aren't familiar with this cookie, it comes in an oblong yellow box with a cellophane cover so you can actually see the famous wafers. They are what looks like a flat dark chocolate cookie thin. There's no description on the box, but there are a couple of recipes on the bottom. And the price: since it's on the top shelf, it's a whopping $4.69!

Now, I have been noticing these Famous Wafers since I was a child. But I've never had one. Why? I really can't say.  I always think about buying them. I think about what they might taste like. Yet maybe, since it's on the top shelf, like fine liquor, I think they're overpriced. Do I really want to take the chance of buying a pack of cookies, paying top dollar, and then finding out I don't like them? However, I do love dark chocolate. And I do love Nabisco cookies.  So maybe...

Okay, now that I'm obsessing about these cookies, I can do one of 2 things. I can wait until payday and plunk down the $4.69 to buy a package, or I can wait until my birthday and have someone else pay for them!  But will that count towards a real present, so I'm gypped on something else??  Looking at it from that angle, I think I'll buy them myself.  But after coveting them for 40 years: they'd better be worth the wait!

I'll let you know... :-)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Queen of My Soul

I've had music in my soul since I was a toddler. I couldn't imagine my life without music in it; and of course I believe I have exquisite, and eclectic, taste in music.  I am also good at loving songs that no one else seems to remember.  My sister always says I'm making them up because she doesn't remember any of them. I tell her it's because I have a memory like an elephant when it comes to music.  Plus, I worked at an oldies radio station which helped to refresh my musical memory.

I'll give you an example: everyone knows the song "Feelings" by Morris Albert, because everyone hates that sappy song.   But how many people remember the song that I think I want for my first dance with my husband: "Sweet Loving Man" by Morris Albert? NOBODY!!  That song is so romantic, and sexy, and so un-like "Feelings", yet I'm the only person who knows it.  Why is that? Guess you'll have to come to my wedding to hear it!

Here's another one: "Simone" by Henry Gross.  Now everyone remembers "Shannon", which I never liked.  Again, my sister said it was one of my "imaginary" songs. So not true!

Here's a list of 11 awesome songs that no one else seems to remember, but I have them on CD and cassette tape.  How many people can still brag about having cassettes made in the 60's, that still play?? Certron, you ROCKED!!

  • "Right Relations" by Johnny Rivers. Never shows up on any of his "best of" compilations, but it's his best song ever.
  • "Work To Do" and "A Love of Your Own" by AWB. Those white boys from Scotland had more soul than some black groups I know.  They were much more than just "Pick Up the Pieces".
  • "Duncan" by Paul Simon.  Such a gut-wrenching song that gets me right in the heart.
  • "That Girl" by Crosby, Stills and Nash. Maybe no one knows it because Young wasn't there?
  • "Mississippi" by John Phillips. I think it may have been about a prostitute, but maybe that's just me. Not me as a prostitute, haha!
  • "25th of Last December" by Roberta Flack.  Talk about a heartbreaker - and it's impossible to find.
  • "At Last" by the Fatback Band.  Forget Etta James - this is the version I'm walking down the aisle to!  You know how I love a hot sax...
  • "Jesus for Tonight" by Michel Polnareff. He was cute, he was French, I saw him once on American Bandstand but the song still resonates with me.
  • "Beyond the Blue Horizon" by Lou Christie.  They play like...22 seconds of this song in the movie "Rain Man" while Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffmann are driving off across the plains...
  • "Never Let Go" by Eastbound Expressway.  Maybe one of the reasons I couldn't find it was because I thought it was the Trans Europe Expressway.  Great dance tune from the late 70's; we used to tear up the dance floor at the Golden Grill in Saratoga back in the day.  Ahhh: memories!  Shout out to the crew of engineers we knew and danced with from RPI!!
Anyhoo, that's just a few of my "imaginary" tunes.  Trust me: there are many more, but I'll let you take the time to YouTube these to see if they're real!